Saturday, March 15, 2008

The celebration keeps going

OK, it's a day after but the birthday celebration keeps going. His Mom made his favorite cake from his childhood - Angel Food Cake.

She brought a vanilla tapioca pudding along so we whippied some cream and mixed them together. We put sliced strawberries in between and put more strawberries and some blueberries on top.

It was yummy - now this is my favorite too.


kentlamb said...

Hi Chika!

I just noticed your blog in English! I love looking at your chow-lab blog and am so excited that there is now an English-language version!

That cake looks so delicious! I wish I could have eaten some with you all.

I'm going to go look at your Colorado whiskey post now.


c.lambert said...

For some reason, I didn't notice this comment yesterday. The cake was really delicious - was it your favorite cake as well?

I thought your Mom was very sweet that she baked it for his son's birthday (even though she had such a busy week) and brought it over.

Wish you were here too!